Crushing Mania

Girls use their asses and feet to crush

In the following clip I’m going to crush a whole bunch of purple grapes. I start crushing it with my sexy flip-flops first. The small things of cause easily pop under my weight, which makes it a great fun, as their juice runs over the floor. Then I take off my sandals and continue crushing the grapes with my bare feet.

This Teddy is going to have a really bad time. Firstly, it is car crushed under those big tires on a muddy square. Repetitive the merciless mistress is overrunning it until the teddy even sticks at the front tire and got squeezed between the car and the wheel. Then the mistress gets out of the car crushes it with her sneakers and kicks it through the mud right into a muddy puddle.

Better don’t mess with the sexy sisters Layla and Jane! The last man who dared to do this was Jane’s ex-boyfriend. He cheated on her and she found out! Now, he can find himself on the floor of a parking ground – shrunken to a doll size and helpless as the huge Audi of Jane comes closer and closer till the giant wheels overrun him….

Experienced Lady Nicole has a perfectly sexy big butt to crush! She wants to show you how to use this weapon ;-) Thus, she places a stuffed animal dog on the dark brown leather stool. She turns around and lets her butt slam the little thing again and again. She really takes some effort to flatten this little fellow. Next time it might be you under her adorable crushing butt.

Watch me crushing those hamburgers breads into thousands of crumbs. For these reason I wear my adorable Louboutin plateau high heels. They are black with a red sole and featured by spike heels. I start walking over the hamburgers breads, before I dig the sharp spike heels in the soft bread. Then I grind the rest under my red soles.

Angel bought some nice and juicy strawberries, only to crush them with her sexy peep toes. She simply takes off her shoes and puts the strawberries inside the shoes. Then she slips back in with her bare feet and hereby squishes all the strawberries inside the peep toes. When she is keep on pushing her toes back in and walking, the red juice and leftovers of the strawberries run out of the hole in the toe cap. Later on Lady B joins in to the crushing and squishing action with her wooden mules.

Watch me and my blond sexy girlfriend destroying this DVD Player. We brutally crush it with our high heeled boots into pieces. It will be double trampled, stomped and we are even jumping on top of it- great fun! Soon it loses its metal cover and we can crush the sensitive inside with the sharp heels and plateau soles.

Watch me mistreating this cute teddy bear with my high heeled boots. I’ll step on top of it and trample it with the sharp heels. Do you wish you were this Teddy now? Well maybe next time you’ll be the one I stomp merciless, scratch with my sharp heels and stand with my high heeled boots in your ugly face.

Victoria wears her sexy high heel mules. The shoes are features by golden plateau and just perfect to crush this sensitive model railroad. It’s a long clip (12.28mins), because Victoria is going to crush the whole train set. She will crush all trains, the tiny buildings as well as the little rails merciless with her evil mules.

BBW Cathy is going to crush a shrunken girl with her car. She slowly drives over the girl and you can hear her tiny body crack under the wheels. The weight of the car already flattened the tiny thing properly, but that’s not enough for Cathy yet! She again drives on that shrunken girl, stops with her front wheel on top of it and moves the steering wheel so the small girl in grinded into the ground.

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